Shiroma uses various colors to symbolize different natural elements. His choice of marble gives the terrazzo warm, earthy tones, giving his work a sense of ancient organic timelessness. Shiroma will often use blue and green patinas to represent water. He feels a great connection with water, which he attributes to having grown up in Hawaii. After studying Indian culture, Shiroma says, he was inspired to create sculptures representing a connection to the earth. Shiroma maintains studios in Hawaii and California. He has studied and exhibited internationally.
The Muse, terrazzo panel and eroded salt, 28x29x8
The Promise, terrazzo on panel, 48x85
Sipapu, terrazzo, 45x9x10
Vessel, terrazzo, 16x46x9
Song of Whispers I, terrazzo, 19x11x5
Song of Whispers II, terrazzo, 26x16x7
Song of Whispers III, terrazzo, 24x12x7
Keeper of the Flame, terrazzo, 76x51x39