Says Hersh about these two new bodies of work: "Dispositions of Structure" (encaustic on panel) are paintings about structure: the fabric of the universe as we know it, from invisible forms of energy pulsing through every atom to visible natural phenomena. And beyond physical structures, these paintings tackle the societal, political, and intellectual structures we all must navigate. "Skin Deep" (acrylic on birch and basswood) developed from an inquiry into the nature of painting itself. Specifically, I am questioning the notion that paintings exist as pictures of something -- illusions -- while sculptures exist on their own, as objects. Because I love making things as well as paintings, I wanted to deconstruct painting and push this work closer to "object-hood." The basswood wall structures of "Skin Deep” exert themselves as objects, encapsulating as well as supporting the paintings. Simply put, "Two Means to an End" are paintings about structure and structures about painting."
Roundabout 21-7, 36x48, acrylic on shaped wood panel
Roundabout 21-6, 37x47, acrylic on shaped wood panel
Skin Deep 20-4, 30x30, acrylic on shaped wood panel