"Life Magazine, in 1959, was a huge qualifier of American values. It ran a photo article on the Abstract Expressionists ... I decided then, at fifteen, not only that I wanted to do what they had done, but that I could do it." -- Joseph Haske Haske arrives at his delicate, scrolling imagery through intuitive means, much as did the Abstract Expressionists who captured his imagination at an early age. He views abstract vocabulary as a constantly shifting and perpetually self-refining entity, and he mines its potential, filtering it through various historical concerns and new vantage points. In addition to acknowledging the abstract expressionists as an influence, Haske also cites the Italian masters Giotto and Fra Angelico, as well as the ancient paintings of Pompeii. Haske's paintings reveal a glimpse into their own history through their layered and weathered surfaces and the powerful but considered gestures they contain. The forms in Haske's paintings have a sensuous, languid quality, while the grounds he prepares are reminiscent of frescoes and fragments of ancient walls. Presence and absence play a great role here, as the forms are partially wiped away and erased, hinting at the ebb and flow of time. Influenced by the writings of Jung, Haske's work represents a continual search through the subconscious for potent visual archetypes and symbols.
Ginko, two panels, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 45x72
Geo 1, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 24x24
Geo 2, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 24x24
Geo 3, acrylic and marble on panel, 24x24
Geo 4, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 24x24
Study with Bowl, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 27x30
Torso, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 27x30
Duo 1, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 46x48
Duo 3, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 46x48
Handprint 5, acrylic and fabric on panel, 12x10
Handprint 10, acrylic and fabric on panel, 12x10
Handprint 1, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 12x10
Handprint 7, acrylic and marble dust on panel, 12x10
Red Square 1, acrylic on panel, 21x21
Wreath, acrylic on panel, 30x30
Essa, acrylic on panel, 14x11